14 February 2008

Change Attribut Hidden Folder or File

This tools is free 100%.
Install attribut changer then restart after install. after logging, open windows explorer then click tools in menu bar then choose folder options, then in tab view look for "hide protected operating system file (recommended)" after meet unchek then click ok. return again in windows explorer, look for hidden file or folder then click right then choose "change attribut" then uncheck in part hidden then click ok, finished.

06 February 2008

How Open File With Extension cbr

I don't know what software make file *.cbr, but i must can open it because i have downloaded file with extension cbr. I try to open with player media because i think that multimedia file, i try also with photoshop also can not, finaly uncle google help me look for opens this file. Its way with replaced his extension cbr with rar. Only that is.

03 February 2008

Look For File Rapidshare With Google

rapidshare doesn't prepare function search towards files that kept there.
at rapidshare there a lot of file² stored ex: ebook,wares, movie, song, each other.

at beed only search engine (google recomended) and a little creative idea out of you. trik this can be used at rapidshare. com and also rapidshare. de. in this example i shall utilize rapidshare. com, you can replaced. com with. de and will functioned same.

open www. google. com at your browser
input in box search
“rapidshare. com/files” <– key don't forget
type with sign ” also, click seach. . and there a lot of links that appear from there. this is principle base he.

to look for file 3gp
–> “rapidshare. com/files” 3gp
–> “rapidshare. com/files”+3gp

to mecari file other live to change aja 3gp with other he.
. mp3. wav. avi. mpg. mpeg. pdf. rar and each other.

if we like to look for file more specific can also be added title or instruction other about file.
look for file. 3gp existing dpr he.
–> “rapidshare. com/files” 3gp dpr
bingo! you will get link from film.

example other:
–> “rapidshare. com/files” paris hilton
–> “rapidshare. com/files” ebook
–> “rapidshare. com/files” price persian

remember: “rapidshare. com/files”+…

source: kaskus

02 February 2008

Kisah-kisah Islam

Cerita tentang para Nabi dan Rasul Nya

Download disini

Cerita yang patut dijadikan sauri tauladan untuk kita, kecuali crita tentang Dajjal

Download Disini

Manajaemen Qalbu oleh AA Gym

Download Disini