rapidshare doesn't prepare function search towards files that kept there.
at rapidshare there a lot of file² stored ex: ebook,wares, movie, song, each other.
at beed only search engine (google recomended) and a little creative idea out of you. trik this can be used at rapidshare. com and also rapidshare. de. in this example i shall utilize rapidshare. com, you can replaced. com with. de and will functioned same.
open www. google. com at your browser
input in box search
“rapidshare. com/files” <– key don't forget
type with sign ” also, click seach. . and there a lot of links that appear from there. this is principle base he.
to look for file 3gp
“rapidshare. com/files” 3gp –>
“rapidshare. com/files”+3gp to mecari file other live to change aja 3gp with other he.
. mp3. wav. avi. mpg. mpeg. pdf. rar and each other.
if we like to look for file more specific can also be added title or instruction other about file.
look for file. 3gp existing dpr he.
–> “rapidshare. com/files” 3gp dpr
bingo! you will get link from film.
example other:
“rapidshare. com/files” paris hilton–>
“rapidshare. com/files” ebook –>
“rapidshare. com/files” price persian remember: “rapidshare. com/files”+…